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Dependable Remote Filming Solutions

At a time when we need to think of innovative ways to be together, Speakeasy is doing what we can to help companies stay in touch, share experiences and help everyone feel they still belong.
Our aim is to be as involved as we always are, removing the worry and the technical obstacles, and making the process as simple as possible from start finish.
With you, even when we can’t be.


Remote filming is becoming increasingly common as a way of communicating with remote audiences through virtual events or producing video content for a whole myriad of platforms.
And thanks to advances in camera technology and interactive video conferencing platforms remote filming today offers far greater potential than simply switching on the selfie camera and having a go!
Virtually anything is possible, from rough and ready video inserts to polished multi-camera presentations including graphics, animation and music – in fact everything you’d expect from a top-class Speakeasy production.
All proving that when it comes to making well-crafted pieces of video communication, distance really is no object.


You know we’d love to be there with you but, alas, that isn’t always possible.
Which is why we’ve developed a range of remote filming and virtual event solutions that give us control over every step of the process, minimising risk and making sure you have all the guidance, equipment, creative and technical support you need. And, of course, that all-important confidence to get your message out there in a truly engaging way, while reducing travel and saving you time and money.
We may not be in the same room, but we’re with you every step of the way.
So, where do we start?
Live or Pre-recorded?


Just like physical events, webinars and virtual conferences rely on spontaneous person-to-person communication. Which is why sometimes you simply have to go live!


Remote filming allows us to gather footage for incorporating into a conventional film using all the usual production techniques.

Mobile Phone

We may be miles away, but as you read this you’re probably within about two feet of two perfectly adequate cameras. The trick is how to get the best from them, and that’s where we come in.


All of the same self-shooting guidelines apply for laptops as they do for phones. So you may need to change the setup of your workstation to suit, for example by making sure the light source is behind the camera, and raising your laptop to a higher position than normal to get the camera closer to your eyeline.

Home Broadcast Studio

But what about that critical keynote speech? When you need to raise the quality threshold that little bit higher? When glossy is good, and you don’t want your audience distracted by the slight imperfections of a non-professional setup?

Into the Mix

Our video mixing software allows us to go a step further, combining your video stream with other presenters and sources within a spectacular virtual studio.

With You

Our remote filming solutions are designed to melt away the miles between us, reducing risk, ensuring quality and giving you the confidence you need to perform at your best.
With Speakeasy, you’ll never need to go it alone, because we’ll be there.
Even when we can’t be.

We’d love to hear from you.

To find out more and discuss how Speakeasy can help you master the art of remote filming, contact:
Jeremy Hewitt
Creative Director
0131 557 1288
Let's Speak 
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